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S01E11 6


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

- Hello, George.
- Hello, Dr. Van De Kamp.
I'm gonna put these in water. George,
have a seat and I'll be right back.

So, how's your heart, Dr. Van De Kamp?

- Better. How's the pharmacy?
- Busy. It's busy.

- Is something funny?
- It's... it's nothing.

See, I recently engaged
in some extra-curricular activity,

and now Bree's doing
anything she can to make me suffer.

- All you can do is laugh.
- Yeah, I... I guess.

These flowers are stunning.
They're the best ones I've ever gotten.

- [Sighs contentedly] Shall we?
- Nice talking to you, Dr. Van De Kamp.

Please, you're dating my wife.
Call me Rex.

That salesgirl that sold us the heater
had a cute figure.

- I guess. I didn't notice.
- She was so your type.

- Big breasts. Really curvy.
- What are you doing?

I'm saying you prefer women
who are curvy, like that salesgirl...

or Claire.

There's only one type
that I prefer: You.

You kissed me as though that would end
this conversation, and it so won't.

Why am I in trouble?

You made love to me the other night
because you had just seen Claire naked.


Aw, crap.

Claire is a great nanny. It would
be stupid to lose her over this.

You and I have had crushes before. We
always tell each other, laugh about it.

What worries me is
you're denying you're attracted.

- I'm not denying anything.
- So you are attracted?

I didn't say that.
What are you doing?

We are not moving until you confess
you have the hots for our nanny.

Tom, it's OK. She's attractive.

Men are drawn to fertile, young women
with whom they can plant their seed.

It's the basic flaw of your gender.
I get it. Just do me the honor...

We'd all like to get out of here.
Is there a problem?

My husband won't admit
that he has lust in his heart.

Can you give us a minute?

Lynette, Claire is attractive, yes.

But I am not attracted to her.

If there was any danger in having
Claire around, I'd get rid of her.

It's you. You're the one.

You always have been
and you always will be.

- [Horns blare]
- All right! Hold your water!

# We drink ice cream soda
here down at the old five and dime!

- Yay. You guys were fantastic.
- Thank you.

They've got a dance floor upstairs.

OK. Have fun.

- Edie, over here!
- What the hell is she doing here?

I don't get to bring a date?
I heard you were bringing him.

Of all people,
you pick that tired piece of... Edie!

Hi, Susan.
Thank you so much for the invite.

I needed something
to get my mind off poor Martha.

A kiss for the birthday boy.

Um, Edie, it's not his birthday.

Oh. Oh.

Thank you, George.
That was a lovely evening.

The pleasure was mine. There's nothing
better than great conversation

with a beautiful woman
over a delicious meal.

Well, I guess I should go inside.

- I'm glad we did this.
- Me too.

Andrew. Where did you come from?

I was just on my way back from
Brian's house. What's going on here?

You remember Mr. Williams,
our pharmacist?

- Hey there.
- How's it going?

- What are you doing in his car?
- We're just, um... talking.

Mr. Williams took me out to dinner.

You mean like on a date?


crushes [krʌʃiz] v. 压碎,压坏( crush的第三人称单数 ); 破坏; 镇压; 榨 { :4311}

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] n. 古怪的人 adj. 奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的 {zk gk cet6 ky toefl ielts :4747}

delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的;可口的 {zk gk cet4 ky toefl ielts :4985}

stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的 v. 把…打昏;使震耳欲聋;使大吃一惊(stun的ing形式) {ky toefl gre :5045}

soda [ˈsəʊdə] n. 苏打;碳酸水 n. (Soda)人名;(意)索达;(日)曾田(姓) {cet4 cet6 ky :5125}

flaw [flɔ:] n. 瑕疵,缺点;一阵狂风;短暂的风暴;裂缝,裂纹 v. 使生裂缝,使有裂纹;使无效;使有缺陷 vi. 生裂缝;变的有缺陷 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5399}

claire [klɛə] n. 克莱儿(女子名) { :5477}

heater [ˈhi:tə(r)] n. 加热器;加热工 n. (Heater)人名;(英)希特 {cet6 ielts :6686}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

Martha ['mɑ:θә] n. 玛莎(女子名);马大(马利亚和拉撒路之姊) { :6788}

crap [kræp] n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎 n. (Crap)人名;(英)克拉普 { :7117}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

nanny [ˈnæni] n. 保姆;母山羊 { :7333}

fertile [ˈfɜ:taɪl] adj. 富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7458}

dime [daɪm] n. 一角硬币 n. (Dime)人名;(塞)迪梅 {toefl :7518}

lust [lʌst] n. 性欲;强烈的欲望 vi. 贪求,渴望 n. (Lust)人名;(捷、匈、瑞典)卢斯特 {toefl gre :7684}

pharmacy [ˈfɑ:məsi] n. 药房;配药学,药剂学;制药业;一批备用药品 {ky ielts :8014}

pharmacist [ˈfɑ:məsɪst] n. 药剂师 { :10343}

blare [bleə(r)] n. 嘟嘟声;号声;巨响 vt. 嘟嘟地发出;高声发出 vi. 发嘟嘟声;发出响而刺耳的声音 {gre :10830}

wha [ ] [医][=warmed,humidified air]温暖、潮湿的空气 { :11046}

aw [ɔ:] int. 哦!噢!(表示抗议, 厌恶, 讨厌等) n. (Aw)人名;(马里、塞内)阿乌;(中)胡(广东话·威妥玛);(东南亚国家华语)胡 { :11390}

contentedly [kən'tentɪdlɪ] adv. 满足地;安心地 { :19634}

curvy [ˈkɜ:vi] adj. 弯曲的;曲线美的(等于curvaceous) { :23440}

salesgirl [ˈseɪlzgɜ:l] n. 女售货员,女店员 {gk :29991}

extra-curricular ['ekstrə kə'rɪkjələ(r)] adj. 课外的

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

yay [ ] int. 哇(因高兴而欢呼) adv. 这么;非常

attract to [ ] [网络] 吸引…至

be stupid [ ] [网络] 装傻;愚蠢哲学;愚蠢主义

birthday boy [ ] [网络] 祝生日;生日男孩;生日男仔

cream soda [kri:m ˈsəudə] n. 奶油苏打水 [网络] 冰淇淋汽水;忌廉汽水;忌廉梳打

dance floor [dɑ:ns flɔ:] n. (旅馆、餐厅等供客人跳舞的)舞场 [网络] 舞池;舞蹈地板;舞池板

danger in [ ] (做)某事[物]危险

five and dime [ ] n. 〈美俚〉专售廉价商品的商店 [网络] 五分一角;五分一毛

get rid [ ] 摆脱;排除;处理掉

get rid of [ɡet rid ɔv] na. 除掉;摆脱;撵走 [网络] 除去;去掉;处理掉

gotten rid of [ ] 摆脱,除去

have fun [hæv fʌn] na. 作乐 [网络] 玩得开心;玩得高兴;玩的开心

having fun [ ] [网络] 开心;玩乐篇;玩的高兴

ice cream [aɪs kri:m] n. 【食】冰淇淋 [网络] 冰激凌;雪糕;冰激淋 {zk :0}

ice cream soda [ ] [网络] 冰淇淋苏打;冰淇凌苏打;七星冰淇淋汽水

kiss me [ ] n. 〔植〕(野生的)三色 [网络] 奇士美;吻我;星星知我心

rid of [ ] [网络] 摆脱;消除;使去掉

the heater [ ] [网络] 加热器

the hell [ðə hel] na. 见鬼去 [网络] 到底;究竟;地狱

the pleasure [ ] [网络] 娱乐性;蝶恋花娇

what the hell [hwɔt ðə hel] [网络] 到底;这到底是怎么回事;究竟

van de kamp

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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